Hiker-Biker Amenities Improvement Project

Oregon Parks Forever is raising funds to have eleven hiker-biker shelters in hiker/biker camps in state parks along the 362-mile long Oregon Coast. Eventually, we hope to expand this effort along Oregon’s more than 1,100 miles of Scenic Bikeways. These shelters provide hikers and bikers with a facility to lock up their gear and food, charge electronics and e-bikes, fill their water bottles, and perform minor repairs on their bikes, including inflating tires.

Along the Oregon Coast, hiker-biker shelters have been installed at six state parks: Fort Stevens, Devil’s Lake, Cape Blanco, Harris Beach, Cape Lookout, and Nehalem Bay.  Our plans call for the installation of five more hiker-biker shelters at Beverly Beach, Beachside, Honeyman, Sunset Bay, and Humbug State Parks.  Three of these are in the works as funding has been secured. We are seeking funding for the remaining two pods to complete the eleven hiker-biker campsites along the Oregon Coast Bikeway and Oregon Coast Trail. Our original shelter was built at Champoeg State Heritage Area.

Here are some of the installed hiker-biker shelters:

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