COVID-19 update from our Executive Director

Thank you for being a valued supporter of Oregon State Parks Foundation. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and sound at home. Our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted by this virus. We are grateful to those working on the front lines who are caring for people in need — whether it is our first responders, health care professionals, neighbors helping neighbors, or those delivering food to people who cannot get out.

I want to let you know Oregon State Parks Foundation remains hard at work during this unprecedented time, despite having to cancel or postpone most of our activities over the next couple of months. We stay committed to fostering a culture of stewardship within our parks and collaborating with our partners to enhance the park experience now and for future generations. We know how much Oregon parks mean to you and to all of us.

We want to remind you that on March 23, all Oregon State Parks were closed to avoid further spreading the virus. We support Governor Brown and the state parks leaders who made this tough decision. Too many people were not taking this virus seriously and were not voluntarily complying with the Governor’s request to maintain social distance.

It is important that rural areas not get flooded with visitors. The possibility of accidents that take up hospital beds, out-of-area people gathering up resources from stores that are needed by local residents, and the lack of medical resources to handle this virus if people get sick while in rural areas all combine to make it critical that people from metropolitan areas not head to small towns. This “Stay Home, Save Lives” period will come to an end, but only if we all strictly comply with the advice of the health authorities to minimize physical contact with each other.

To continue to stay informed, Oregon State Parks has a dedicated webpage for virus response efforts and closure updates.

Many of you have asked how you can help. The first way, is to honor the park closure by staying home. Instead, please take your nature breaks in your neighborhood and avoid recreational travel. The second thing you can do is, continue to support us through your donation or membership. Your gift allows us to make an impact upon the re-opening of the parks. We, just like you, value the joy, hope, beauty, and grace that our parks bring us.

Remember we are stronger together and are here to help. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Wishing you good health and moments of joy in these trying times,

Seth Miller

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